Population Estimates in Scotland’s Deprived Zones

Population in Deprived Zones by Council: Overall SIMD 2020 Rank The Scottish Government publishes data following completion of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) survey every four years which provides a set of relative measures of deprivation.  The most recent survey, SIMD 2020, was released in Jan 2020.  For the SIMD analysis Scotland is…


Areas of Deprivation in Scotland’s Councils

Distribution of Deprivation by Council Area: overall SIMD 2020 Rank The Scottish Government publishes data following completion of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation survey every four years which provides a set of relative measures of deprivation.  The most recent survey, SIMD 2020, was released in Jan 2020.  For the analysis Scotland is split up…