Scottish Crime Classification

The Scottish Government has published data on crimes committed in Scotland at a Local Authority Ward level for the first time late 2023. Crimes and offences in Scotland are classified by the police into seven categories each of which has further sub-categories describing the nature of the crime or offence and these are provided in the data published.

Group 1: Non-sexual crimes of violence Attempted Murder

Cruel & Unnatural treatment of children
Culpable Homicide, (others)
Culpable Homicide, common law
Domestic Abuse (of female)
Domestic Abuse (of male)
Other Group 1 crimes
Robbery and assault with intent to rob
Serious Assault (incl. culpable & reckless conduct – causing injury)
Threats and extortion

Group 2: Sexual crimes Group 2 – Sexual Crimes

Sexual crimes are further classified in police records but this information is not disclosed

Group 3: Crimes of dishonesty Attempt theft of motor vehicle

Common theft
Housebreaking (incl. attempts) – dwelling house
Housebreaking (incl. attempts) – non-dwelling
Housebreaking (incl. attempts) – other premises
Opening Lockfast Places – Motor Vehicle
Opening Lockfast Places – NOT Motor Vehicle
Other Group 3 crimes
Theft by shoplifting
Theft from a Motor Vehicle, Insecure etc
Theft of a motor vehicle

Group 4: Fire-raising / vandalism etc. Culpable & reckless conduct (not firearms)

Other Group 4 crimes
Reckless conduct (with firearms)
Vandalism (incl. reckless damage, etc.)

Group 5: Other crimes Bail offences (other than absconding)

Bladed/pointed instrument (used in other criminal activity)
Bringing drugs into prison
Carrying offensive weapons (incl. restriction)*
Handling bladed/pointed instrument*
Offences relating to serious organised crime
Offensive weapon (used in other criminal activity)*
Other drugs offences (incl. importation)
Other Group 5 crimes
Possession of drugs
Production, manufacture or cultivation of drugs
Supply of drugs (incl. possession with intent)

Group 6: Miscellaneous offences Breach of the Peace

Common Assault
Common Assault (of an emergency worker)
Consume alcohol in designated place local bye-law
Drunk and incapable
Other alcohol related offences
Other Group 6 offences
Racially aggravated harassment/conduct
Threatening and abusive behaviour
Wildlife offences

Group 7: Motor vehicle offences Dangerous driving offences

Drink, Drug driving offences incl. Failure to provide a specimen
Drivers neglect of traffic directions (NOT pedestrian crossings)
Driving Carelessly
Driving while disqualified
Driving without a licence
Failure to insure against third party risks
Mobile phone offences
Other Group 7 offences
Seat belt offences
Speeding offences
Using a motor vehicle without test certificate