
Travel Time Map to NHS A&E  Services The ability to access emergency healthcare services within easy reach is seen as a key marker by local communities of investment and engagement by the NHS and ultimately their political masters.  Indeed, one only needs to watch the public outcry (and support from politicians from all parties) when…


Glasgow Health Inequalities Map

Glasgow Health Inequalities Map Based on SIMD 2020 Health Inequalities data.  Glasgow City is divided into 746 SIMD zones each containing an average population of 800 people.  Of these zones, 385 are classified by the Scottish Government to the two lowest deciles; that is locations with the lowest 20% of health status in the whole…


Health Inequalities Scotland 1: Lower Life Expectancy

Scotland's Population Has Lower Life Expectancy Than The Rest of the UK A gap in health equality exists between Scotland with the rest of the UK.  Females in Scotland have a life expectancy of 81.1 years compared to a UK average of 82.9.  Males in Scotland have a life expectancy of 77.1 years compared to…