North Ayrshire Deprivation Maps
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This page contains maps depicting the geographical distribution of SIMD 2020 results for each of the measures across North Ayrshire.
For North Ayrshire data analysis web page see here.
Table 1: North Ayrshire population and percentage population of residents living in zones corresponding to Scotland’s three most deprived deciles and the three least deprived deciles. Data is provided for each of the measures. |
Key to Table 1:
Measure, description of the deprivation analysed
pop_d1-d3, population in three most deprived deciles
pop_d8-d10, population in three least deprived deciles
pc-d1-d3, percentage of North Ayrshire residents in the most deprived deciles
pc-d8-d10, percentage of North Ayrshire residents in the least deprived deciles.
Figure 1: North Ayrshire Overall Rank
Figure 2: North Ayrshire Income
Figure 3: North Ayrshire Health
Figure 4: North Ayrshire Employment
Figure 5: North Ayrshire Housing
Figure 6: North Ayrshire Education
Figure 7: North Ayrshire Crime
Figure 8: North Ayrshire Access
Methods and Data Sources
For North Ayrshire data analysis web page see here.