Argyll And Bute SIMD 2020 Social Deprivation

The Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) is a detailed analysis of deprived areas based on many measures including health, employment, income, housing, education, crime and access to basic services.   For SIMD analysis zones are based on each local authority’s borders which is then further divided multiple zones, each with a target population of 700 to 800 residents.  The SIMD boundaries within an authority mostly correspond to local ward and sub ward divisions.  Each zone is given a rating for each of the measures and these are used to rank each zone on a worst to best basis from 1 (most deprived) to 6976 (least deprived zone).  Additionally, the Scottish Government provides an Overall Rank for each zone which is derived from a weighted combination of the results of the individual measures. Although this page is evaluating zones within an individual local authority, the rankings used are based on zone rankings on Scotland-wide results (decile bands) and not just those within the local authority. See list of links to all local authority pages.

On this page you will find SIMD 2020 results for Argyll And Bute local authority:


SIMD 2020 Summary Information

Argyll And Bute had a population of 86,810 living across 125 zones at the time of survey:

  • Based on Overall Rankings the authority is tending towards low levels of deprivation: 14,588 residents (16.8%) of the local authority population) are living in areas corresponding to the three most deprived deciles in Scotland (deciles 1 to 3) comprising 24 zones for this local authority.  (See: Table 1).
  • Based on Overall Rankings, 16,544 residents (19.1%) were living in the three least deprived zones (deciles 8 to 10) comprising 21 zones.
Table 1:   Argyll And Bute population and percentage population of residents living in zones corresponding to Scotland’s three most deprived deciles and the three least deprived deciles. Data is provided for each of the measures.

summary deprivation data for Argyll And Bute

Key to Table 1:
Measure, description of the deprivation analysed
pop_d1-d3, population in three most deprived deciles
pop_d8-d10, population in three least deprived deciles
pc-d1-d3, percentage of Argyll And Bute residents in the most deprived deciles
pc-d8-d10, percentage of Argyll And Bute residents in the least deprived deciles.


SIMD 2020 Overall Deprivation Map of Argyll And Bute

The map of the local authority area shows the location and decile band for each of the 125 zones in Argyll And Bute local authority.  For brevity only the overall ranking analysis is shown on this page.  Maps for each of the SIMD 2020 measures are available:
Argyll And Bute SIMD 2020 Maps For All Measures

Figure 1  SIMD Map of Argyll And Bute. The most deprived areas (decile 1) is coloured deep pink while the zones that are least deprived (Decile 10) are dark green.  Zoom in using the [ + – ] buttons and drag the map and or the legend to fit.


SIMD 2020 Measures Information

The following section provides summary data as graphs showing the population total in the corresponding decile bands for each of the SIMD 2020 measures.

A csv file download with summary data for each of these figures is available here:
Argyll And Bute Population Summary By Measure

Figure 2a
Figure 2b

Figure 2c

Figure 2d
Figure 2e
Figure 2f
Figure 2g
Figure 2h

Download Argyll And Bute Data For All Zones

Argyll And Bute all data file


Data Sources

Raw Data SIMD 2020

Datazone shapefile

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