The purpose of this website is to present health and socio-economic data relevant to Scotland’s people. The format usually involves graphs or coloured maps which makes data easy to understand. Data is selected because of its role in underpinning key metrics such as deprivation, health status, employment and education.
All of the data has been sourced from other websites – frequently that of the Scottish or UK Governments. However, often the information is hidden away in a file with an obscure name or, is presented in a format not easily understood or difficult to analysis. Links to the source data are provided.
The data speaks for itself: Scotland lags behind the rest of the UK and most of the EU when comparisons relating to health and well-being are made.
The website is not politically affiliated and does not seek to apportion blame on any particular party or political ideology. Indeed, all mainstream parties either in government or when in opposition in both the UK and the Scottish Governments have failed to provide transformative solutions over the past 50 years.
Author: Alan Galloway
Publication: datamap-scotland.co.uk
Date: see date info in url