Covid-19 Cases in Scotland by Local authority

Covid-19 Virus Cases in Scotland: Frozen: No Longer Updated Daily update on covid-19 cases in Scotland. The chart shows number of positive covid-19 (coronavirus) cases for each of the past 100 days in Scottish Local Authorities as of at 14:00 GMT.   Last updated but data lags two days due to delays in reporting times.…


Covid-19 in Europe Cumulative Cases

Cumulative Covid-19 cases per 100000 population in Europe The chart shows cumulative cases per 100,000 population in 15 the European countries with the highest cumulative per capita cases of Covid-19.  This is the fairest method of comparison as countries with high populations are not unduly discriminated against.  Small countries with a population of less than…


Covid-19 deaths per 100k population

Covid-19 deaths per 100k population in 15 countries Comparing Covid-19 deaths on a per capita (population) basis is the fairest way of comparing the impact of the virus between countries.  It means that larger countries are not discriminated and that smaller countries are not overlooked in the analysis.  The chart shows the cumulative per capita…


Covid-19 Virus Deaths in Scotland

Covid-19 Virus Deaths in Scotland Daily update of covid-19 virus deaths.   The chart shows cumulative deaths from covid-19 (coronavirus) in Scotland.  Last updated on at 14:00 GMT, there were confirmed deaths as a result of covid-19 : .  The Scottish Government figures are based on deaths confirmed by laboratory testing patients.  Data from individuals…