Aberdeen City Primary Schools Ranks

Primary Schools Ranks in Aberdeen City

Based on published data from academic year 2022/23

On this page:

There were 48 schools in the published ACEL assessment data for Aberdeen City.  Of these 21 were graded 80% or above when assessed according to the ACEL standards which represented 44 percent of all schools or 45 percent of those schools where ACEL published performance data.  These schools represent Band 1 in the charts and on the map. The results of 1 schools were withheld, which is usually because of small class sizes.

The schools in Band 1 are: Braehead School, Scotstown School, Culter School, Cults Primary School, Kingswells Primary School, Milltimber School, Middleton Park School, Abbotswell School, Airyhall School, Ashley Road School, Broomhill School, Ferryhill School, Hazlehead Primary School, Holy Family RC School, Seaton School, St Joseph’s RC School, Loirston School, Forehill School, Danestone Primary School, Charleston School, Greenbrae School.

Links to All Local authorities

Please follow this link to find links to all the Local Authorities on this website or use the sitemap link (top of right hand panel).

Aberdeen City Map

A map showing the location of primary schools within the Aberdeen City area is shown (Figure 1).  Catchment areas, where provided by the local authority are colour coded according to the band the primary school is in.

For access to the ungrouped raw data see Files and Downloads below.

Figure 1a:  Aberdeen City Map Showing Non-Denominational Primary School Ranks and Catchment Areas
Area hover and school marker pop up displays provide additional school information.
Zoom in using the + – tool and drag the image to move around.

Figure 1b:  Aberdeen City Map Showing Denominational Primary School Ranks and Catchment Areas
Note: some LAs have no denominational schools.
Area hover and school marker pop up displays provide additional school information.

Allocation of Schools into Bands
Schools were graded according to the ACEL data for P1, P4 & P7 combined achievement (the average of the percentage meeting the target level in Listening & Talking, Numeracy, Reading and Writing. Allocation of schools into Bands was as follows:

Band 1: 80% to 100%
Band 2: 60% to 79%
Band 3: 40% to 59%
Band 4: 20% to 39%
Band 5: 0% to 19%

Aberdeen City Primary School Ranks

Table 1:  Aberdeen City Primary School Rank Table
Achievement data for all schools in Aberdeen City for 2016/17 academic years through to 2022/23 plus a comparative rank for the local authority (average of all ranked schools) and for the whole of Scotland (top two rows). The table shows P1, P4 & P7 combined achievement data (the average of the percentage meeting the target level in Listening & Talking, Numeracy, Reading and Writing.

Aberdeen City Comparison with Scottish Local Authorities

Table 2:  Local Authority Primary School Rank Table
Achievement data (average for all schools) in the LA for 2017/18 academic years through to 2022/23 plus a comparative rank for the whole of Scotland (top row). The table shows P1, P4 & P7 combined achievement data (the average of the percentage meeting the target level in Listening & Talking, Numeracy, Reading and Writing.

Aberdeen City Files and Downloads

The 2022/23 ACEL data for the primary schools is available by following from this website (see underneath).

Aberdeen City 2022/23 Data File

Methods, Notes and Disclaimer

The most recent data was for school year 2021/22 which is published during 2023

All Analysis
A number of measures are provided in the ACEL data. Assessments in classes P1, P4, P7 and a combined P1/P4/P7 levels are provided for each of subjects: Numeracy,  Reading, Writing, and Listening and Talking.  For the purposes of comparing and ranking schools the P1/P4/P7 combined scores were used and the total % meeting the level for each of the four subjects was averaged (Reading – % Meeting Level, Writing – % Meeting Level and Numeracy – % Meeting Level).  Allocation of schools into Bands for mapping purposes was as follows:

Band 1: average between 80% to 100% or from 320 to 400 for combined score for four measures
Band 2: average between 60% to 79% or from 240 to 319 for combined score for four measures
Band 3: average between 40% to 59% or from 160 to 239 for combined score for four measures
Band 4: average between 20% to 39% or from 80 to 159 for combined score for four measures
Band 5: average between 0% to 19% or from 0 to 79 for combined score for four measures

Notes on School Catchment Areas
Some local authorities do not make schools’ catchment areas available (i.e. areas on the map that are coloured pale blue) and the catchment areas for catholic schools are not shown.

School Locations
Individual schools are shown on the map black circles.  If you click on the school marker a pop-up will appear with additional information: the school name, 2023 rank, school roll, number of FTE teachers and the school website address.

The catchment areas have been smoothed out a little in order to reduce the size of the web page download and will have slight differences. Parents should not rely on the datamap-scotland website to confirm the catchment area for any specific school or house within a zone as these can sometimes be very specific and may vary from data published by https://www.spatialhub.scot.  Many authorities publish accurate street by street data on school catchment areas on their websites.

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