Glasgow Deprivation Map

Glasgow Deprivation Map

Glasgow’s deprived zones on a map.  Based on SIMD 2020, Glasgow City has 331 zones (out of a total of 746) allocated to the most deprived 20% of locations in Scotland .  Each SIMD 2020 area contains an average population of 800 people.  Thus, in terms of its population, it means that 43% of Glasgow’s citizens (268,200 people out of 621,000) are living in areas classified amongst the most deprived in Scotland.

See graph showing numbers of citizens living in deprived zones in each of Scotland’s local councils.

See impact of deprivation on health on Glasgow.

Note that each zone is unique and levels represent average deprivation within the zone.  It does not mean that all households in a zone have the same level of deprivation; some clusters of higher or lower levels may exist within a zone depending on how the boundaries are set.

Figure 1  Map of Glasgow’s zones coloured by deciles according the the Scotland wide analysis. The most deprived areas (decile 1) are coloured deep pink while the zones that are least deprived (decile 10) are dark green.  Zoom in using the [ + – ] buttons and drag the map and or the legend to fit.

On the map the hover facility provides additional information:

  1. LAName:  The Local Authority Name
  2. dzname:  The Local Authority Constituency
  3. Rank:  The overall SIMD 2020 rank within Scotland
  4. Decile:  The Overall SIMD 2020 Decile Position

SIMD 2020 Background

The Scottish Government publishes detailed deprivation data called the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation at four yearly intervals following detailed analysis of deprivation across the whole of the country.  For the analysis Scotland is divided into 6976 zones of which 746 are within the Glasgow City boundary.  This map shows the overall deprivation ranks for Glasgow City local authority.  Much of the deprivation in Scotland is concentrated in the post-industrialisation areas – in Glasgow City and the surrounding towns in the Central Belt and in the West of Scotland. These areas suffered high levels of unemployment as light and heavy industries and mining declined in the prevailing socio-economic conditions during 1970s and 1980s.

High levels of deprivation affects many life chances for people growing up and living in these areas.  Notably people suffer from poorer health than the rest of the country and children typically have lower levels of attainment in education which in turn limits their ability to improve their socio-economic circumstances.


Data Sources:

For details of the oversight and methodology of the data collection used by the Scottish Government please see:

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